
The report provides an overview of the photovoltaic N-type battery industry,including the status and trends, segment types, and industry chain.

The cells used in this industry are categorized into P-type and N-type based on the substrate wafer type.

P-type cells are made from boron-doped P-type silicon wafers and include BSF and PERC cells.

The raw material for N-type cells consists of N-type silicon wafers doped with phosphorus. Current technologies used for N-type cells include TOPCon (tunneled oxide passivated contact), HJT (intrinsic thin-film heterojunction), and IBC (intersecting back-contact cell). N-type cells conduct electricity through electrons, and the boron and oxygen pairs cause less photoluminescence attenuation, resulting in higher photovoltaic conversion efficiency.

N-type cells have clear advantages.

The German Institute for Solar Energy Research in Hamelin (ISFH) states that the theoretical conversion efficiency limit of P-type monocrystalline silicon PERC cells is 24.5%, which is close to the maximum efficiency limit. It is unlikely to have a substantial increase. N-type cells have several advantages over P-type cells.

N-type cells have a higher cell conversion efficiency compared to P-type cells due to the holes for electrons that are not easily captured by impurities in the silicon wafer. This results in a lower surface compounding rate and a longer oligon lifetime, which can greatly improve the open-circuit voltage of the battery and increase its conversion efficiency. It is important to note that any metal impurity pollution should be kept the same for accurate comparison.

As a result, the near-zero photoluminescence attenuation effect is achieved. The N-type cell is doped with phosphorus, and the boron content in crystalline silicon is extremely low, which weakens the influence of boron and oxygen. This is due to the high infrared transmittance and the presence of many current channels.

Additionally, the N-type cell operates at a lower temperature, resulting in less impact on power. The operating temperature of an N-type cell is lower than that of a conventional single-glass module by 3-9℃. This reduces the power drop caused by temperature increases.

Additionally, N-type cells have a good response to low light conditions. They can still generate electricity on rainy and cloudy days, as well as in the morning and evening when the irradiation intensity is lower than 400W/m2.